Self-Steering Sustainable Social Innovation Through Training and E-Research (4SITE)
VLIR-UOS is a Flemish Inter-University Council that started supporting Mzumbe University within Inter-University Partnership Programme supported by the Belgian government (Director General for Development Cooperation (DGD) in 2012.
The collaboration aimed at strengthening the capacity of Mzumbe University as recognized leading institution in Africa for demand driven knowledge generation, application, preservation, and dissemination for socio-economic development.
The ultimate objective of this partnership is to contribute to poverty reduction in Tanzania through technological social innovations. This multi-disciplinary phase II programme is demand-driven with a major focus on rural and urban communities which are vulnerable to poverty. The program focuses in Morogoro region and extends to other parts of Tanzania.

The 4SITE IUC Programme is designed to make progress in the focus areas
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Training and Outreach
Our aspiring Mzumbe Staff and Students, there is a greater imperative to gain both knowledge and skills to kick-start and become a center of Knowledge, Academic Excellence and a beacon of Community Development.
The IUC programme which starts with the premise that the IUC is an engine of self-steering sustainable social change and that improving the capacity of the university with this ultimate goal in mind is a valuable technological social innovation.
Our focus is on the following goals:
- Institutional Capacity Building
- Enhancing outreach program
The ultimate purpose of the VLIR-UOS IUC programme with MU is to contribute to poverty reduction in Tanzania through technological social innovations including good governance of natural resources and gender, entrepreneurship, access to quality information services and training.
4SITE programme focuses on delivering sustainable social change and improving the capacity of the university with this the ultimate goal in mind is a valuable technological social innovation. The identified 4SITEprogramme has identify 4 key areas, designed as a project.
- Project 1: Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Teaching, Research, and Community Outreach Services Through Social Innovation Methods
- Project 2: Enhancing Information Services: Contents and infrastructure
- Project 3: Enhancing Good Governance Through Integrated Community-Based Activities
- Project 4: Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development in Tanzania Through
Blended Learning
The VLIR-UOS IUC programme with MU collaborates to contribute to poverty reduction in Tanzania through technological social innovations including good governance of natural resources and gender, entrepreneurship, access to quality information services and training.

Spin-off Projects
Touched Lives